Prediction of phosphorus loads in an artificially drained lowland catchment using a modified SWAT model

PhosWaM | Publikation | Bach, Talsperre Übergangsgewässer/Ästuar


Eutrophication is still one of the main environmental problems in the Baltic Sea. Currently, agricultural diffuse sources constitute the major portion of phosphorus (P) fluxes to the Baltic Sea and have to be reduced to achieve the HELCOM targets and improve the ecological status. Eco-hydrological models are suitable tools to identify sources of nutrients and possible measures aiming at reducing nutrient loads into surface waters. In this study, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) was applied to the Warnow river basin (3300 km2), the second largest watershed in Germany discharging into the Baltic Sea.

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Dr. Günther Nausch
T. +49 (381) 5197 - 332