Quantity and quality of phosphorus losses from an artificially drained lowland catchment

PhosWaM | Publikation | Bach, Fluss, Übergangsgewässer/Ästuar


Currently, agricultural diffuse sources constitute the major portion of phosphorus (P) fluxes to the Baltic Sea and have to reach the good ecological status aimed by the Baltic Sea Action Plan and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. The objective of this study was to uncover the change in phosphorus loading as well as in P fractions along the flow path of a mid-size river basin in order to derive risk assessment and management strategies for a sustainable P reduction. P-fractions and the mineral composition of particulate P were investigated in a sub-basin of the river Warnow, the second largest German catchment discharging to the Baltic Sea.

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Verweis: http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2017EGUGA..19.8325N


Dr. Günther Nausch
T. +49 (381) 5197 - 332
M. guenther.nausch@io-warnemuende.de