Simulating the fate and release of metazachlor and its transformation-products metazachlor oxalic acid and sulfonic acid in a small-scale agricultural catchment

MUTReWa | Konferenz/Veranstaltung | Bach


The herbicide metazachlor and its transformation products (TPs) metazachlor oxalic acid and sulfonic acid were measured regularly in the base flow and during rainfall-runoff events even in high concentrations in the loechernbach in 2016 and 2017. Based on these measurements, the aim of this study was to adapt an existing catchment model, which simulates the transport and transformation processes for pesticides in the Loechernbach catchment, for the modeling of the herbicide metazachlor and its TPs oxalic acid and sulfonic acid and to make these available for further simulation studies.

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Dieter Vollert