Parameterisation and quantification of ecosystem services as a basis for sustainable groundwater management
Groundwater is the most important resource for drinking water. However, anthropogenic pollution as well as accidents, changes in land use, and extreme weather events are compromising groundwater quality in many places. No ecological indicators and standardised methods currently exist to assess either the status and stress tolerance of groundwater ecosystems, or their capacity to provide essential ecosystem services. The main objective of the joint project GroundCare is to evaluate the functional capacity of groundwater ecosystems and to identify ecological criteria suitable for biomonitoring. An ecologically sound, integrative groundwater quality assessment scheme will allow local authorities to target, manage and protect groundwater ecosystems in a cost-efficient manner. Further challenges include developing and standardising groundwater sampling procedures, and developing a groundwater-specific ecotoxicological online-monitoring system. The consortium partners will tackle contaminated and non-contaminated groundwater ecosystems in a concerted manner. Their focus will be on the functional diversity of microbial and faunistic biocoenoses as well as on important services provided by groundwater ecosystems.
Goal of the joint project is to develop, test and standardise biological-ecological criteria and methods for monitoring groundwater quality, ecosystem status, and services in a practical manner. Protocols and monitoring schemes will be made available to environmental authorities and water managers. In more detail, GroundCare focuses on:
Prosaellus cavaticus
Institut für Grundwasserökologie
Dr. Christian Griebler
T: +49 89 3187 2564
Frau Dr. Astrid Meyer
T: +49 89 3187 2602