Measures for a more sustainable management of pesticides and their transformation products in regional water management
In the course of European environmental legislation, numerous water management measures have been initiated to improve the ecological status of ground- and surface water in recent years. But when being evaluated, their potential for increasing the mobilisation of trace organic compounds, and in particular their transformation products, have not been taken into account. To date, pesticide transformation products in the aqueous phase which are no longer active in the sense of the parent compound have not been sufficiently studied and thus have not been factored into water management strategies. For this reason, the joint project is addressing processes which concern the mobilisation and transformation of pesticides from intensive agriculture, as well as biocides from urban areas. The partners of the joint project MUTReWa also intend to evaluate the effectiveness and sustainability of selected water management measures to improve the ecological status of ground- and surface water. In collaboration with water managers, recommendations derived from the insights gained shall then be integrated into regional water management strategies.
MUTReWa will focus on the transformation behaviour and characteristics of pesticides. In order to minimise the entry of these substances into water bodies, the partners taking part in the joint project intend to develop and validate appropriate water management measures. Further project goals are:
Institut für Nachhaltige Chemie und Umweltchemie
Prof. Dr. Klaus Kümmerer
T: +49 4131 677 2893, -2894
Dr. Oliver Olsson
T: Tel.: +49 4131 677 2291